How Long Has North Carolina Had Electronic Records?

Up until the mid 1980’s, courthouses used handwritten index cards to manage public records, today those have been replaced by electronic databases. Each record provides information about a given case such as the original charge, the final charge, the trial date and the disposition, or outcome of the case. These records are maintained on a mainframe computer located in Raleigh. Most counties transferred to the electronic system some 7 to 10 years ago, some longer ago. So your criminal record search will provide you a range of at least seven years and in some cases more.The table below provides the date that each North Carolina county began using the electronic record system for criminal records.

Start Date for North Carolina Criminal Records

Alamance 4/15/85 Alexander 10/9/89 Alleghany 10/30/88
Anson 10/02/89 Ashe 11/28/88 Avery 10/24/89
Beaufort 5/26/87 Bertie 11/17/89 Bladen 1/11/88
Brunswick 3/6/89 Buncombe 12/13/82 Burke 6/12/86
Cabarrus 2/18/85 Caldwell 9/22/86 Camden 1/8/90
Carteret 1/8/87 Caswell 5/16/88 Catawba 3/18/85
Chatham 6/29/87 Cherokee 5/8/89 Chowan 1/16/90
Clay 5/8/89 Cleveland 6/28/80 Columbus 6/8/87
Craven 1/13/87 Cumberland 6/26/83 Currituck 1/29/90
Dare 4/24/87 Davidson 10/14/85 Davie 10/30/89
Duplin 5/31/88 Durham 8/1/82 Edgecombe 4/14/87
Forsyth 10/17/83 Franklin 11/30/84 Gaston 13/1/83
Gates 1/10/90 Graham 5/15/89 Granville 2/29/88
Greene 7/31/89 Guilford 3/29/83 Halifax 8/31/87
Harnett 4/14/87 Haywood 4/27/87 Henderson 8/25/86
Hertford 4/24/89 Hoke 8/21/89 Hyde 7/24/89
Iredell 9/3/85 Jackson 6/5/89 Johnston 5/20/86
Jones 8/21/89 Lee 6/22/87 Lenoir 8/25/86
Lincoln 5/26/87 Macon 5/30/89 Madison 11/2/88
Martin 4/10/89 McDowell 10/26/87 Mecklenburg From 1983
Mitchell 10/31/88 Montgomery 7/20/87 Moore 3/2/87
Nash 12/17/84 New Hanover 1/16/84 Northampton 3/27/89
Onslow 2/14/3 Orange 3/2/87 Pamlico 8/14/89
Pasquotank 4/4/88 Pender 7/10/89 Perquimans 11/29/89
Person 3/14/88 Pitt 2/25/85 Polk 6/5/89
Randolph 5/20/85 Richmond 1/18/88 Robeson 1/19/83
Rockingham 5/20/85 Rowan 4/29/85 Rutherford 6/15/87
Sampson 7/7/87 Scotland 2/15/88 Stanley 10/16/89
Stokes 9/12/88 Surrhy 2/11/87 Swain 5/10/89
Transylvania 6/8/89 Tyrrell 11/27/89 Union 2/9/87
Vance 12/17/84 Wake 3/30/82 Warren 12/17/84
Washington 1/16/90 Watauga 12/5/88 Wayne 3/18/85
Wilkes 7/13/87 Wilson 5/8/86 Yadkin 11/6/89
Yancey 10/26/88


The table below provides the date that each North Carolina county began using the electronic record system for civil court records.

Start Date for North Carolina Civil Records

County Number County Name All Casetypes from this Date Forward Judgments & Civil Actions from this Date Forward
000 ALAMANCE 092097 022288
010 ALEXANDER 110197 103089
020 ALLEGHANY 090697 113088
030 ANSON 083097 111389
040 ASHE 090697 112888
050 AVERY 080297 102488
060 BEAUFORT 100596 100388
070 BERTIE 110996 060589
080 BLADEN 032997 050889
090 BRUNSWICK 032297 032789
100 BUNCOMBE 072697 041188
110 BURKE 041297 100188
120 CABARRUS 082397 021389
130 CALDWELL 041297 112888
140 CAMDEN 101296 112789
150 CARTERET 032997 101788
160 CASWELL 041297 032089
170 CATAWBA 042697 030788
180 CHATHAM 092097 041089
190 CHEROKEE 062897 050189
200 CHOWAN 101296 110689
210 CLAY 062197 051589
220 CLEVELAND 060797 022988
230 COLUMBUS 031597 051589
240 CRAVEN 051097 101088
250 CUMBERLAND 101996 031488
260 CURRITUCK 101296 112789
270 DARE 101996 103188
280 DAVIDSON 100497 051688
290 DAVIE 100497 102389
300 DUPLIN 031597 041789
310 DURHAM 092896 011188
320 EDGECOMBE 082496 053188
330 FORSYTH 111597 040488
340 FRANKLIN 041997 060589
350 GASTON 102696 052388
360 GATES 110996 111389
370 GRAHAM 062197 051589
380 GRANVILLE 120796 061289
390 GREENE 092896 100989
400 GUILFORD 061497 082288
410 HALIFAX 101996 111488
420 HARNETT 091496 041789
430 HAYWOOD 062197 101088
440 HENDERSON 071997 100388
450 HERTFORD 110996 061989
460 HOKE 051797 101689
470 >HYDE 101296 100289
480 IREDELL 083097 071188
490 JACKSON 062897 053089
500 JOHNSTON 083196 042489
510 JONES 030897 101689
520 LEE 081796 041089
530 LENOIR 092896 102488
540 LINCOLN 110897 120588
550 MACON 062897 052289
560 MADISON 071297 110288
570 MARTIN 102696 060589
580 MCDOWELL 071297 110788
590 MECKLENBURG 102597 042588
600 MITCHELL 080297 103188
610 MONTGOMERY 120697 041089
620 MOORE 051797 031389
630 NASH 062196 062088
640 NEW HANOVER 021597 041888
650 NORTHAMPTON 111696 061289
660 ONSLOW 022297 081588
670 ORANGE 051797 052289
680 PAMLICO 030197 091889
690 PASQUOTANK 102696 030689
700 PENDER 092896 091889
710 PERQUIMANS 111696 102389
720 PERSON 042697 041789
730 PITT 110296 071188
740 POLK 080297 053089
750 RANDOLPH 052497 020689
760 RICHMOND 050397 042489
770 ROBESON 030897 062788
780 ROCKINGHAM 092797 021389
790 ROWAN 090697 020689
800 RUTHERFORD 071297 101788
810 SAMPSON 032297 042489
820 SCOTLAND 050397 032089
830 STANLY 111597 101689
840 STOKES 090697 091988
850 SURRY 120697 103188
860 SWAIN 062897 050889
870 TRANSYLVANIA 071997 052289
880 TYRRELL 100596 103089
890 UNION 120697 031389
900 VANCE 012597 032789
910 WAKE 100596 020188
920 WARREN 012597 032089
930 WASHINGTON 101296 120489
940 WATAUGA 100497 120588
950 WAYNE 092196 071888
960 WILKES 060797 120588
970 WILSON 082496 082988
980 YADKIN 120697 111389
990 YANCEY 071997 102688