Free North Carolina Background Checks Don’t Exist
We all want to save money when we can and background checks are no different. If you search for “free North Carolina background checks" in Google you’ll get many, many...
BuzzFeed took a comical look at if people were honest on their dating profiles. Even if they were, you’d still want to run a background check on before meeting them the first time.
While the video is good for a few laughs, it highlights a real issue that could potentially be very serious.
Check out the online dating statistics provided by the Statistics Brain website. Their most recent data (Dec. 2014) shows there are currently 54,250,000 people engaged in online dating in the US alone. That’s a staggering number. The question is – are they all whom they claim to be?
Statistics Brain also shares US Crime Statistics with their most recent FBI data for 2013 reports the following:
You will find more crime data on the website, but I think you get the idea. Unfortunately we are not all as safe as we’d like to believe we are and we must protect ourselves and those around us.
You can run a North Carolina criminal background check on anyone in the state starting at just $10. If your initial search returns a case or cases you can view the details of any case for just $5 more. Learn more about online background check prices.
Whether you are dating online, you’re renting a room in your home, or the kids have a new coach of the team; before you trust someone new in your life arm yourself with some peace of mind. Run a background check today – it is so worth it!